Monday, February 23, 2009

ISAT – High Stakes Testing

It is clear that accountability through standardized testing is here to stay in one form or another. It is also clear that there are valid arguments to both sides of the debate as to whether or not it should be.

The APA states, “It is important to remember, however, that no test is valid for all purposes. Indeed, tests vary in their intended uses and in their ability to provide meaningful assessments of student learning. Therefore, while the goal of using large-scale testing to measure and improve student and school system performance is laudable, it is also critical that such tests are sound, are scored properly, and are used appropriately.”

However, in conjunction with No Child Left Behind, all initial steps of meeting standards begin and end with ISAT.

The idea of accountability through testing is a positive for kids in that it requires schools to research needs in curriculum, instruction, and climate. Although there are many drawbacks, never has curriculum been so standards based amongst schools for ALL kids.

As students, do you value the importance of ISAT testing to your school and do your best? As a parent, do you recognize the shift in your student’s curriculum to Illinois Standards? As education professionals, do find standards based curriculum to benefit kids?

There are many opinions to be expressed, and I look forward to hearing from all of you.