Monday, May 21, 2012

Year's End / New Beginnings

I shared this story last year. It seems to come to mind again now. Remembering my middle son on the first day of summer vacation years ago.

He just finished first grade and the world lay stretched before him. He had his brand new RED gym shoes and the temporary "cornrows" in his hair (remember Allan Iverson) running down the hill towards the neighbor's house on a perfect summer day.

Ten years ago and it is like I am standing there now. The smell of lilacs. The dark green grass. The cloudless, bright blue sky. The brand new red shoes. The blond, goofy looking hair. Blue shirt, red shorts. The group of kids yelling his name and jumping around as he got smaller and smaller in view running down that hill as fast as he possibly could. I really don't think it ever gets better than that. The whole summer was in front of him with endless possibilities, and second grade was a thought too far into the future for him to even try to conceive.

I guess we all remember that feeling. In education, it is important for us to finish the year on a strong note. To make sure that we lay the ground work for continued growth next year - when summer vacation does inevitably come to an end. This summer will be spent working on school improvement and curriculum so that when your child comes back next year, we will be a better and stronger school.

Here is another list of apps I think parents may find useful - top 50 free educational apps:
